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Episode 1 – Mandarin Podcast

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一份志愿者工作,他坚持了10多年, 为什么?赌博是怎么伤害你,你的家人和朋友的?本播客中,志愿者Chee 向你讲述了他在良朋互助服务志愿工作。他分享了自己的故事,经验,讲述了工作中的挑战和愿望,告诉你如遇此类困难你可以怎么做?

A volunteer job, he persisted for more than 10 years, why? How does gambling affect you, your family and  friends? In this podcast, volunteer Chee tells you about his volunteer work at Chinese Peer Connection. He shares his stories, experiences; talks about challenges and aspirations. He tells you what you can do when facing the problems?