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Episode 1 – Cantonese Podcast

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過來人阿Paul 自幼移居澳洲,七歲開始接觸賭博,長大後好賭成勝漸漸成癮,輸掉數百萬澳元,甚至想過自殺。現在的他卻懂得享受生活並且活躍社區工作。他是如何脫離賭癮活出精彩人生?他希望藉著分享親身經驗去喚醒有賭癮的人走出困局

Paul migrated to Australia when he was little. He started gambling at the age of seven and growing into a gambling addict losing few millions Australian dollars. He even closed to kill himself when gambling going out of hand. Now he is a free man enjoying life and so wants to share his lived experience to those who are in the midst of gambling problems and to help them overcoming the challenges of addiction.