It can be tricky to know when gambling goes from having a bit of fun to causing more losses than you actually want or can manage. For others it escalates quickly. This episode helps people understand what ‘harmful’ gambling actually is. We interview two people who share their gambling stories and reflect back on how […]
Episode 2 – Inspiring stories of hope and recovery
For some people caught in the trap of gambling it can seem totally impossible to see the (gamble free) light at the end of the tunnel. Meet Paul who lost thousands on horse betting and Connie who loved the pokies from day one. Both experienced massive losses across all aspects of their lives and after […]
Episode 3 – Getting Help
If you’re thinking of making some changes to your gambling it can be hard to know where to start. This episode looks at what type of help is available from professional services, how it works, what it’s like and how it can help. Ben shares his story of making a frightening leap into counselling and […]
Episode 4 – Getting More Help
Professional help isn’t for everyone. This episode looks at ways to help yourself and we hear from Dr Sophie Vasiliadis who has researched the different ways people help themselves out of a gambling problem. We speak with Kate, who experienced a crippling pokies addiction and eventually stopped using peer support and her own ideas and […]
Episode 5 – The Pokies
Perhaps the pokies are starting to feature a bit too much in your life or perhaps they are already out of control? This episode explores the addictive nature of poker machines with Dr Charles Livingstone and we hear from Sarah who suddenly found herself entranced in the pokies venue and Cathie who finally worked out […]
Episode 6 – Young men and gambling
24/7 punting device in your pocket, sports betting ads everywhere and hanging out with mates talking odds, it’s no wonder young men are fast becoming one of the biggest punting groups across the country. Hear from two young men who talk about their gambling (sports, horses and pokies) problems and how they managed the drinking, […]
Episode 7 – Relapses, triggers and urges
Relapses, triggers and urges – more often than not they are part of a harmful gambling experience. Gabi Byrne, who experienced a pokies addiction herself talks about her research into relapse prevention and Jay talks about how he managed some of his urges and triggers whilst giving up playing the pokies. Sheryl, a Gambler’s Help […]
Episode 8 – Alcohol, drugs and gambling
Drugs, alcohol and gambling can be a chaotic and damaging mix. In this episode Ian shares his history of drinking, drug taking and horse /sports and casino gambling that started from a very young age and we also talk to Christel, who after a marriage break up, found drinking in a pokies venue kept her […]
Episode 9 – Affected others
For every person who is experiencing problem gambling there are an estimated 7 others who are also impacted by this gambling harm. It can be a life filled with anxiety, chaos and endlessly wondering what to do. We talk to Allison whose mother developed a damaging pokies addiction when she was a child and Chandana […]
Episode 1 – كيف القمار يدمر حياتك
بالنسبة لبعض الأشخاص المحاصرين في فخ القمار ، قد يبدو من المستحيل تمامًا رؤية الضوء في نهاية النفق. يتكلم بيل عن تجربته مع القمار حيث فقد آلاف الدولارات وتعرض لخسائر فادحة في جميع جوانب حياته، وانغمس في شرب الخمر، وكان التأثير على عائلته أيضاً. كانت منظمة Arabic Welfare موجودة لدعم بيل وتوجيهه للتغلب على إدمانه […]
Episode 2 – عندما يؤثر القمار على العائلة
لكل شخص يعاني من المقامرة ، هناك ما يقدر بنحو 7 أشخاص آخرين يتأثرون أيضًا بهذا الضرر الناجم عن المقامرة. يمكن أن تكون حياة مليئة بالقلق والفوضى والتساؤل المستمر عما يجب القيام بهتحدثنا إلى سوزي التي أصيب ابنها بإدمان مدمر للعبة البوكيز عندما انتقلوا إلى أستراليا وكيف ساهمتArabic Welfare مع جمعية Gambler’s Help في مساعدة […]
Episode 1 – Cantonese Podcast
過來人阿Paul 自幼移居澳洲,七歲開始接觸賭博,長大後好賭成勝漸漸成癮,輸掉數百萬澳元,甚至想過自殺。現在的他卻懂得享受生活並且活躍社區工作。他是如何脫離賭癮活出精彩人生?他希望藉著分享親身經驗去喚醒有賭癮的人走出困局 Paul migrated to Australia when he was little. He started gambling at the age of seven and growing into a gambling addict losing few millions Australian dollars. He even closed to kill himself when gambling going out of hand. Now he is a free man enjoying life and so wants to share his […]
Episode 1 – Mandarin Podcast
一份志愿者工作,他坚持了10多年, 为什么?赌博是怎么伤害你,你的家人和朋友的?本播客中,志愿者Chee 向你讲述了他在良朋互助服务志愿工作。他分享了自己的故事,经验,讲述了工作中的挑战和愿望,告诉你如遇此类困难你可以怎么做? A volunteer job, he persisted for more than 10 years, why? How does gambling affect you, your family and friends? In this podcast, volunteer Chee tells you about his volunteer work at Chinese Peer Connection. He shares his stories, experiences; talks about challenges and aspirations. He tells you what you can do when facing […]
Episode 1 – International Students podcast
Kevin, a Gambler’s Help counsellor and Bayu, a youth worker with lived experience of gambling harm and recovery both came to Australia as international students. They explore gambling culture in Australia, the unique challenges international students face that can make them vulnerable to gambling harm and the signs of gambling harm. Bayu shares his difficult […]
Episode 2 – International Students podcast
In this episode Kevin and Bayu compare gambling culture in Australia to other countries and the impact on international students. They also explain common triggers to gamble and outline the free and confidential help available for international students experiencing gambling harm. Bayu shares his experiences of getting help and support and what recovery means for […]